A stone revered for hope, luck and protection from ancient tribes all over this earth. Valued by the Aztecs as a stone greater than gold, apache shamans would not get the recognition of their tribe without this stone. Turquoise has a long, rich history throughout the world; a beautiful stone with its colour as inviting as the sea.
There are stories the stone may crack to take on fatal damage that may have fallen upon the wearer and has a long history as a “horse amulet” embedded on animal accessories or garments to protect one’s companions and worn by the riders.
It’s said this is the stone of a creative; a dreamer, not afraid to push the boundaries of this world and their own known; someone willing to explore the depths. A mix of growth (the green) and energy (the yellow) while maintaining the calm of the blue.
The Tibetan Turquoise Dreamer.
I find it no surprise most people are drawn to this stone; as for me, it describes all of us as a human race and the things that are important.
Stone properties: Mental clarity, helps soothe, relax, and encourages honesty and transparency.
Recycled Silver